In my Handpicked Health Faves blog posts, I’ll let you know about some of my favorite products, resources, and tools. Today’s pick: The Yuka App. Just so you know, I’m sharing my genuine thoughts without any company paying me to do so. Your trust means everything to me!
No Time to be a Label Detective?
I think one of the main reasons a lot of adults eat foods with harmful ingredients, or use products with harmful ingredients, is because most people don’t have the time to make it a priority to sit there reading labels. We most definitely don’t have the wherewithal to memorize which crazy-sounding ingredients are ok and which are toxic. You know what works, you know what you (or your kids) like, you know which one is cheapest. So that’s the one you grab.
What the Yuka App Does
What if there was an app that you could use that would instantly tell you whether the product you just picked up was a good choice or not? And it’s fun to use? I have it! Squeeeee!
The Yuka app. The basic version is free and here’s how it works: open the app. Scan the barcode* on the product in your hand. The app will instantly give you a score out of 100, 0 being the worst/most harmful, 100 being the healthiest. It will also give a descriptor of “Poor,” “Good,” or Excellent,” though I generally pay less attention to that grading system because according to them, a 50/100 is good. I’m a teacher. I know 50% is not “good.”
But WHY is This Product Bad For Me…And What Should I Buy Instead?
Here’s the most helpful part: the app breaks down the ingredients, indicating which are harmful and why. This gives you the autonomy to decide if it’s something you want in your body, or not. If the product is anything lower than “Good,” it also provides recommended products in the same category–with no sponsorships or ads, so you know the things they’re recommending are genuinely better choices.
Let me digress for a second: to be clear, it’s not just foods we eat that enter our bodies. ANY product you apply to your skin (lotion, shampoo, makeup, deodorant) goes directly into your bloodstream–without the added benefit that the digestive system has of toxin-filtering organs such as the liver. You can scan any food or cosmetic product with a barcode using Yuka.
A Few Snags
Back to the app. It’s SO helpful. It’s a great guide. It’s not perfect. Some food items I’ve scanned have been scored in the “Poor” category, simply because the app has deemed them “too caloric.” I can definitively tell you as a health coach that calories. Do. Not. Matter. Some of the healthiest foods are high in calories (think nuts, avocado, eggs). We’ve talked about this in my blog post about calorie counting here.
Also, you cannot look up items that you don’t have right in front of you to scan–unless you get the paid version.
Use It, But Not Blindly
So, it’s a great jumping off point to start an education in deciphering labels. You will have to do a bit of your own thinking and detective work–for example, my husband used it to scan a cookie dough mix that came back as “Excellent,” and when I read the ingredients I saw hydrogenated oil, which is one of THE WORST things you can eat (it is a trans fat which is associated with heart disease).
Try the app. Let your kids scan things to see if they can find something healthy. It’s fun, and I hope it serves as a helpful tool in your label-deciphering journey!
Happy Scanning!
*Item doesn’t have a barcode? It’s probably a fruit, veggie, or other whole food and 100% healthy for you.
Get the Yuka App HERE

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